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How will 2 weeks away from the gym affect me?

It depends on how much you let it. Psychology, in my opinion, is going to be the toughest. I LOVE working out. I LOVE the feeling of pushing my body, my brain, and my will to its limit and then trying to go a little further. And I LOVE doing it with others by my side. So to miss out for at least the next 2 weeks, will be tough for me mentally. However, some of that apprehension could be lingering on the question, “What about all the gains I have made?” “How much am I going to lose?”

So let’s look a little bit at the science. (Keep in mind, research varies so I am giving you the highlights and the averages.)

The values listed below are based on none to minimal activity:

  • VO2 Max will drop after 2 weeks-3 weeks anywhere from 5-10%

  • Strength will drop after 4 weeks to 2 months depending how “fit”

  • All gains will be lost after 2 months complete inactivity (not getting out of bed)

Ok, so I can literally do nothing for about a week and technically not lose much. Cool. But that is not what I am saying- this is in response to doing nothing. Collectively, the research shows that 1-2 days a week of the high intensity exercise results in NO LOSS of gains.

Just because you don’t have all the equipment at home that your gym has, does not mean you can’t still give yourself a great workout! Get creative or if nothing else, buy a dumbbell. But let’s look at some opportunities we can capitalize on while we aren’t working out in the gym.

1. Fix some of those faults

You know you have that lingering pain or lack of mobility in your ankle or that funky left shoulder strength- take this time to perform some isolation exercises and work on that accessory. Get more mobile, get more stable, or get that pain resolved! Come back better than where you left.

2. Learn a new sport or go play a sport

The purpose of functional fitness is to be functionally able to do anything and everything you should choose. For those of us Crossfitters, Greg Glassman’s definition of fitness ends with “regularly learn and play new sports.” This is an ample opportunity for us to get away from the gym and the routine and to do something new! Challenging not all your body but also your mind!

3. Keep working out

The internet is being flooded with “at home” workouts you can do. Go to the track. Grab your jump rope and head to the driveway. Clear out a space in your living room. There are so many movements that require little to no equipment. Use your bodyweight and get that heart rate up! This will guarantee you will

maintain those gains! (Doesn’t mean it won’t hurt first time you go back!) Get your families involved.

4. Get better at something.

Work on those double unders. Spend more time in deep squats. Get stronger with your push-ups. Get better at running. The best way to improve something is to practice it more and more! Now you have the time.

To wrap up, take advantage of your situations and keep moving regardless of how!

Full Quote on Greg Glassman’s Fitness Definition:

■ Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat. ■ Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J, and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard and fast. ■ Five or six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense.

■ Regularly learn and play new sports

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